Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Yadira and Chris (6-30-07)

Yadira and Chris are an elegant couple from New York.

The whole wedding took place on Miami Beach. From the Raleigh Hotel to St. Patrick's Church and then back to the Raleigh, even though there were monsoon rains, the day went off without a hitch.

Yes, we did get wet, but that was all forgotten with the amazing group of friends and family that made this event so special.

Yadira and Chris were off to Bali for their honeymoon. I was off to Iceland for a wedding on July 7th.


Mike Larson said...

love the comp you made here, beautiful work! beautiful couple too!

Scarlett Lillian // Jacksonville Senior Photographer said...

I love the collage you do too. Any chance you can make them bigger? I'd love to see all the little details! :-)